my eagle house

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hello my eagle house

Do you miss me?
Do you know that I miss you?
My eagle house….
Yesterday…  I felt nothing when I opened the key
Yesterday… I felt nothing when I touched you
Yesterday… I felt nothing when I saw you
Yesterday… I felt nothing when I lived with you
But today…. My way is so hard when I’m going to open you
Today… I don’t like this moment
Today… I feel so complicated
My eagle house….
You have everything inside of you
You have much beautiful moment between my family and me
Almost 11 years, we are together
You know everything about me
And I know everything about you
But know….
I don’t want to say it, my eagle house..
It isn’t your fault, it’s my fault
My eagle house… do you see my tears?
I miss you, I love you
You are so perfect but I have to say goodbye
Take care yourself
Bye bye my eagle house….

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